Monday, May 6, 2024

Karen David


Karen David has been in Mexico since 1999 establishing and refining the call of God on her life. In 2002, Karen began ministering in the state of Michoacán.  Karen helped raise up a rehabilitation home for drug addicts and planted 2 churches with the heart for revival.  The overwhelming power of Christ is revealed as new life begins. Karen’s main focus currently is on the home she opened in the state of Jalisco for the sole purpose of loving and caring for young girls who have been sexually exploited. Fire International website search “Projects – Treasure House”. Fire International  Karen plays the drums as Andy and Karyn Pricer minister in Centro Guadalajara and other local places.  Karen is a mother, a friend, a worshipper and a guardian for 12 girls in Mexico. She welcomes any support offered. Our prayers for these girls, and our financial contributions will continue to provide them with schooling, and basic needs. Click on the link FIRE INTERNATIONAL ABOVE and make a donation that will be like storing treasures in heaven.

Fire International is hosting an event in Centro Guadalajara in September 2024. For more information about this power packed 3 day revival event, CLICK LINK Fuego y Gozo

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Kathy Hockin

From time to time we all get visited by angels. Most of the time we do not recognize them. Ever since we first had lunch at Paninos, my spirit was in awe. Kathy Hockin operates in such quiet humility that we might miss the awesome gift of His glory in her. As a child, Kathy was called, and she gladly responded, “Yes Lord, here I am use me.” Her parents Alan and Myrtle met, married, and settled in Montrose, Colorado.  Kathy was born on June 14, 1947. She chose to remain in Montrose even though her personal storms have been fierce. She was raised in a home of believers, but her faith grew beyond her Catholic and Lutheran parents. Today, she claims her position in the kingdom as “a child of God.” and looks to Him for His will and guidance.  She is very active in her community with her JEEP CLUB and she participates in Competition Trail Riding.  Jesus gave us His all and then gifted us faith to believe that He goes before us, He dwells within us, He equips us, and He never abandons us. Kathy has been emboldened by the Holy Spirit to pray for patients in hospitals as she lays hands on them in total faith.  She keeps her ears tuned into the Holy Spirit and remains extremely near to her heavenly Father. Kathy was very close to her humble dad and like Allen, she has been generous in her hometown by  distributing groceries to those who have need.   Her mother, Myrtle, came from a family of professionals who all held firm opinions. She honors both her father and mother as God intended.

As our Creator knit Kathy together in her mother’s womb with His grand plan, her purposed breeding has always motivated her to serve. She is a registered nurse with various degrees.  She has worked as an EMT, and also led a local 4H Club for 27 years. Kathy birthed 4 children and adopted two. She has also buried two husbands, and two children. Whether at a mountain top or low valley, Kathy maintains her steadfast trust and belief in God. “When life gets tough, and it does for everyone, that is when you praise God.” Obedient to His Word, Kathy knows that her heavenly Father inhabits her praises. She trusts that He is ever with her, and therefore, she remains fearless! As a Master Gardner, Kathy contends, “When you are on your knees pulling weeds, it’s a good time to talk to God.” Kathy stands and lives in victory! She raised kids and delighted in all the laughter and laundry. She has beaten cancer twice and states “I don’t ever remember not believing in God.” Unafraid, she traveled to Mexico in 2024 to get directions from the Boss on His next move for her. She attends Cowboy Fellowship in Colorado and shines His light wherever she goes. Kathy participated in a recent three day conference at Lakeside which focused on unity and gifting.  We were all blessed as Kathy stood up to read a Word from the Lord she had been given during the conference. ❤️ John 15:1-5 “I am the true Vine, and my Father is the Gardener. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." "You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it MUST remain in the Vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. “I am the Vine; you are the branches." The tiny word IF has great potential IF we obey.  "If you REMAIN in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." A prayer to ignite your gift

Monday, September 25, 2023

Remarkable Women

It is a Labor of Love to interview women to learn about how God has rescued, restored and given them NEW LIFE in HIM. There are many fabulously talented women of value who have come a long way, and who are willing to share their strength and hope. A mere sketch adds significance to our collected impact. We were chosen to be a mighty Spiritual FORCE! Our shared joys, talents and victories are a source of hope to all. The vision of Women of Value is to build a bridge, or a bond between courageous, and creative women. It takes a large portion of faith to be obedient to Christ and shine regardless of hurts, hardships and tragedies. Passing on HOPE requires all of us to teach by our softness and our quiet example of perseverance. It has been a great pleasure to get to know a few who have shared their Spirit filled testimonies. Purely, the intention of this blog is for Christian women to get to know each other on a deeper level.
All women who have relocated to live in Mexico have left behind important sisterhoods. We do not seek to replace those relationships, but to find areas in common with new friends. Please indulge your soul with the tales of women who have poured out their struggles and victories for the readers benefit. As the interviewer, the profile that I post herein, condenses what takes a lifetime to live and comprehend. In depth details about our lives, or our family roots are up to the individual to share, or publish, or not.  After interviewing 20 + women, I write a summary of what was shared. Hopefully, as random Lakeside readers get to know one another, bits of the story posted will foster a new relationship as we seek kindred spirits. With each encounter, I press for the positive impact of how Jesus turns a tragedy into a victory. Few women have lived a perfectly 'charmed' life without some sort of challenge. It is my delight to share what "I see" in the soul of the one who boldly pours out their journey.  We give God glory when we share our story. With a fresh lens, this blog is dedicated to commemorating significant chapters of life for a few local Women of Value. Peeking behind the veil of how we appear, we discover the deeper, the more important things that have made us who we have become to the glory of God.  AMEN
Today, just like in all past generations, we long to be “known, accepted, and useful".   As we draw close to Jesus, we come to experience His Spirit personally revealing to us… the secrets of heaven.  Jesus sees us as His, perfect in His eyes, worthy of eternity in heaven.  Jesus pursues us, He changes us, and by His love, Jesus allows us to see into our hearts,  what He sees in us.  Jesus came to give us ABUNDANT LIFE.  Each fabulous female has inspired others by their refreshing example of love, grace, and mercy as we are all being changed, day by day into His likeness. Each Woman of Value featured herein shines a unique Light despite the troubles in this world. Thanks to all who have allowed me to ask those probing questions. Our "Presence over Perfection" is what God and others long for.  "Always ready to give an answer to everyone who asks...a reason concerning the Hope that is in us." 1 Peter 3:15 - May your hope expand in Jesus!


Amy Dick

May this brief summary of a life well lived inspire you to turn to Jesus in the face of every disappointment. "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”  Amy Dick was born in Leamington, South Ontario, Canada in the year that the Lord had predetermined. Her parents, George and Agnes Hamm (a Mennonite couple of the family that manufactured vinegar aka Hamm beer) gave birth to eight children. Like their parents, each child was raised with a great work ethic. As of this recording Amy and her older sister Ella are the remaining Hamm sisters that continue to support themselves as they trust in God for their total provision. Amy remembers her mother Agnes always working hard in the family vegetable garden. They handpicked the fruit, loaded the truck and drove it from Leamington, Ontario to Detroit and Windsor. Amy attended United Mennonite Educational Institute (UEMI) and met her future husband in that school. Before Amy got married she worked for Heinz in their Ontario office for a year, and then for another year after her marriage to John Dick.  God positioned Amy to work in the foreign sales department of Heinz. This world-wide exposure fueled her desire to travel. Amy was 19 years old on the day of her wedding. She reminisced with a smile, “I never wanted to marry a farmer, because I knew the hard work involved.” John and Amy Dick farmed 200 acres of tomatoes for 45 years, raised three kids (Tom, Larry, and Ed) ran a Bed and Breakfast for 12 years and owned and operated a Christian Book Store for five years.
Because of her fear of heights, Amy challenged that fear and got her pilot’s license at the age of 50! The couple worked the land for six months hiring Mexican Mennonite Farm laborers, then they flew all over. Many of their B & B guests were from England. One famous guest was Dr. John Stott, the private Chaplain of Queen Elizabeth. Mr. Stott called the Queen every morning from the quarters he rented from John and Amy. Another interesting truth about quiet little Amy is that the Russian Czar Nicholas hid one of his nephews (a Count) in a Mennonite village in Ukraine. This Russian Count married a girl from the family that hid him. Later the daughter of that Russian Count married a cousin of Amy. For 25 years, John and Amy traveled for 6 months of the year. They visited England, Ireland (where Amy enjoyed her first Irish Coffee), Germany, France, Belgium, Aruba, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Russia, the Crimea, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Chili and Costa Rica. In the year 2000 John and Amy sold the farm and other business ventures and invested in a property in Ukraine which is now used as a Bible School.

The couple traveled to Lake Chapala where they lived for six months each year. John and Read Vawter used to golf together. For years John and Amy kindled many relationships at Lakeside. On Christmas day 2006, after a tough battle with cancer, John closed his eyes and was greeted by Jesus. Amy stayed with her sister-in-law for a while before she moved permanently to Chapala. In 2011 her son Ed Dickson, a missionary in Ukraine since 1997, took 4 days to drive Amy across the Tien Shan mountains of China into Kyrgyzstan, to a resort town around Lake Issyk Kul. Amy wanted to meet her 2
nd cousin, her dad’s, nephew’s daughter Lydia, a long journey for a reunion. Because grandpa spoke Russian to Ed, he was astounded that he understood the language. 
Amy now has nine grandchildren and her favorite thing to do is to hand out Christian tracts. “The Lakeside gas station attendants stand there and read them. I have never felt snubbed. Some have asked me for more to pass out.” Wisdom has settled into the soul of this lady of tremendous value. In her 80's, Amy's favorite saying is worth quoting. “Only one life will soon be passed, and only what was done for Christ will last.” Harold Dueck, Amy's uncle published a first hand, journaled account of a young minister and his wife who dare to continue serving their community. Removed from their home in Southern Ukraine, the young minister is exiled to work in forced labor. CLICK LINK to PREVIEW book "Uncommon Providence"  available on Amazon. Amy’s youngest son Ed Dickson has helped over 8,000 Ukrainian orphans through his organization. CLICK to HEAR UPDATE from Ed in Ukraine.  Loads of Love  
By our Father’s great love, we were adopted as His Kingdom Kids. We bow in honor of God Almighty and praise Him for He alone is worthy. “Let all who take refuge in You be glad;  let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You. Surely, Lord, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.” Psalm 5:8 NIV 

Lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine

Friday, September 22, 2023

Charlotte Vawter

“The Author of Miss Charlotte’s story is God the Father. He placed her name in the Lamb’s Book of Life and knit her together in her mother’s womb. Her children arise and call her blessed.” It is my privilege to summarize her lasting impact at Lakeside for generations to come. Because of her obedience,  her legacy is precisely as God intended. Along the road to her casa, God gave me the words to begin Charlotte’s story. I arrived late to find Miss Charlotte standing ready to serve me coffee.  With sweet humility, she quietly said, “A servant is not the flag I wanted.” She continued, “Years ago, at the end of a Women’s Aglow conference, I was given the flag which designated my spiritual gift. I wanted any flag but that one.” Many have since benefited from her service across the globe. Charlotte was born on September 25, 1938, in Grangeville, Idaho.  After World War II, her dad Dr Lloyd Wheelwright moved his family back to Milwaukie, Oregon. Charlotte married a Marine named Ray Moore. In May of 1966 her dad died and a few months later her husband Ray left for Viet Nam in September. These two great losses led Charlotte to seek God. Before Ray was deployed to Viet Nam, two sons were born. Their youngest son arrived in 1969.  As a military family, they moved frequently into the boring white walls that the government provided. When their youngest son entered college, Ray had decided that on his retirement income, they could afford to live in Mexico. Reluctantly, Charlotte agreed, and they moved to Ajijic in 1991. “My mother never worked, and as a child, I always wanted a home with a view of the water, with a maid and a gardener. ” In Mexico, this dream was eventually realized. Her first husband, Ray Moore, died in 1994 of cancer.  With God in her midst, Charlotte then returned to Virginia. Faithfully comforting her, He gave her hope for the future. God had big plans, and Charlotte stepped out in faith and went as a praying missionary to Istanbul. “It was so scary!” On a restricted income, God provided the courage and funds to fly to Turkey twice and to Israel. Our Father consistently exceeds our greatest EXPECTATIONS! Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you.” and they are marvelous!  

Charlotte is quick to point out that God had sent many to encourage her. Almost 20 years ago, Billie Boatright arrived with a team. God provided all that was needed to fulfill a vision of a bull ring being used for His purpose and glory. Raul and Anabel Frutos knew how to get the permit to use the bull ring in La Floresta for a Christian outreach. Pastor Gary Neighbor was the speaker, and his wife Lori provided the worship team. 
At the age of 54, as a widow, when her pastor asked her to go to Turkey, Charlotte confessed that she did not want to go. “I had heard stories of Turks chopping off the heads of Christians, and I was terrified!” One day while shopping at TJMax, Charlotte was drawn to buy a book about Turkey. “After reading that book, I knew that God had called me. My heavenly Father hid me from all potential harm. He remains my trusted shield that keeps me safe always. He has consistently shown me great favor.  I was teamed up with a black woman who had traveled with YWAM. We were the odd couple that paved a way through prayer for a visiting team from CBN in Istanbul. We were part of the Agean Commission. In 1995, God arranged for me to visit the 7 churches of Revelation.  Just after visiting the lukewarm church of Laodicea, I was given a vision of pure water being poured into a sink. Then blood belched out. Later, many of the missionaries in Turkey were brutally murdered.” Our Father has a heart for the lost and He is a God of reconciliation and restoration. The word denomination is rooted in division. Our Father unified us with His Spirit and His heart surely breaks when His bride divorces itself and splits. God will continue to pour out His Spirit as we forgive one another, unite with one another and come together in one accord. The body of Christ needs to lay aside silly arguments, and humbly ask God, the Father of all — to forgive us for our judgements. Charlotte continues to pray, “Father, reveal to me any wicked way in me.” I asked her to share one lesson learned. “A hard lesson learned is based on a regret. When God showed me a vision of turning the noise of a bull ring into a spirit refreshing celebration for Him, my flesh responded with an excuse. I hesitated and believed the Liar that I was not equipped. The truth is that our Father has fully equipped us all with the power of the Holy Spirit. Sweet Charlotte so willing to share the wonder filled ways of God. Back in the 60’s at Lake Chapala there was a small close-knit group of expats in Ajijic. When her mom visited Ajijic, an international group of adventure seekers all partied together. Connecting the historical and miraculous dots, way in advance, in 1970, her mom had met the family that Charlotte would later marry into. Read and Charlotte Vawter and two other couples established the first non-denominational prayer breakfast on the upper level of Danny’s Cafe.

That prayer breakfast changed locations several times and it lasted over 20+ years. Charlotte and Read met at a Super Bowl party and were married 8 months later. Read made Charlotte laugh, and with such joy bursting,  Charlotte fully renewed, she continues to rejoice, 
“Here I am, Lord, how can I serve You today." Even when we can’t see Him, our Father is always at work, and He only gives us one step at a time. Her first husband Ray had known Read Vawter as they golfed together at Vista Del Lago.  As a widow, Charlotte had met Read casually and was not particularly interested. Read recognized the value of Charlotte and pursued her.  After Read died, Charlotte found his written plan to capture her interest. She also discovered that Read’s parents had stayed in the guest house of Neil James, the founder of Lake Chapala Society. Read Vawter, and his sister had inherited a  parcel of land called “Los Arcos.” which dead ends at Septimbre.  In the late 50's the pueblo of Ajijic ended at Los Arcos, a small farm with a casa made of adobe.  Read retired from a career in the Far East and had lived in Taiwan, Japan, and Viet Nam. At age 58, Read returned to Ajijic to take care of his parents. At the age of 69, he met and married his one and only bride. The perfect woman who had been hand-picked by God. Charlotte became Mrs. Vawter on August 17, 1997.  God blessed them with a blissful 25 years of marriage! Together, they faithfully obeyed and served God. Read was born with a humble, light hearted, generous spirit. He anonymously supported his favorite sports teams and contributed to the building of JUCUM. His generous contributions also enabled La Ola, Love in Action, LCS, and the American Legion to further prosper lakeside communities. A group of walking prayer warriors impacted Ajijic as small business is now thriving.  Our faithful Father blessed her obedient heart with a lakefront view. She hosted a non-denominational Women's Prayer Breakfast for 20 years, which ended at the Sunrise Cafe. At age 84 she delights in hosting worship nights and has catered events with invitations to various Christian groups. Her heart longs for unity in the body of Christ. Charlotte and Read traveled to Israel with 23 people from all faith backgrounds. She has provided housing to traveling missionaries for years. In May of 2023, Read had contributed funds to have the American Legion cemetery in Chapala renovated. One month later, Read was laid to rest next to his parents. Read is well remembered for his quiet, humble spirit. This great man of few words chose to encourage me when I needed it greatly. Battling dark voices to just quit, with a gleaming smile Read said “I like how Behind the Curtain kept God’s main message of love, so simple.” ❤️ Take the time to give Charlotte a hug and thank her for her legacy of prayers for our area. The Spirit of God responded to this righteous woman's fervent prayers. The miraculous transformation of a Barrio known for drug trafficking has turned into a place of shops that are now prospering. 
A woman of great faith, Suzanne Eason helped Charlotte by giving her an interpretation of 2 curious blocks that oddly repeated. Twice recently, while traveling UP the one-way street to shop, a car coming down the wrong way caused her to turn on a side street. Both times, her detour choice met with an ambulance. The encouragement: When traveling on the highway of holiness, we will all face blocks. Wisely, we choose to stand our ground, trust in God, and the one traveling the wrong way must move aside. We have the authority, and we choose to resist the devil's attempts with a spoken word. We keep our eyes on Jesus, and go straight ahead without turning to the right or left. We boldly choose to trust that God will remove any attempts to keep us from fulfilling His plan for us. Numbers 22:26 “Then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left.” Charlotte trusted, obeyed and with faith, went to Istanbul.  She did not shrink from death. Revelation 12:11 “They triumphed over him (whatever evil spirit or block) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

Monday, September 11, 2023

Anabel Frutos

Knowing Anabel Frutos is to witness faith in action. Anable and her husband Pastor Raul currently serve God in Chapala, Mexico. Anabel has an unshakable faith, and an unbreakable spirit! As the middle child of 10 siblings, this power packed woman of God was born in Guadalajara to her unwed mother Rosario. Her unsupportive, violent, alcoholic earthly dad Reyes Hernandez was never available.  Anabel lived in extreme poverty in a barrio known as Huntilan within Guadalajara. She did not attend school but helped wash dishes at taco stands for food. Her abused mom was either out working or drinking until 7pm.  Anabel and her three siblings Alfonzo, Elvia, and Roberto survived the dangers as they developed street sensibilities.  At the age of seven, after her dad threatened to kill her mom, the family escaped to Tijuana where they were joined by her grandmother Paula.  God had His plan in place and the family found refuge within a Tijuana Christian shelter. “Living in Mexico, the only faith our family knew about was the Catholic Church, but we did not attend mass”.  The shelter helped us find work and the family was expected to attend the local Christian Evangelical Church. During the first service Anabel’s grandma accepted Jesus and received the Holy Spirit.  Anabel remembers her grandma proclaiming; “I came into this church as a very proud, self-sufficient single mother named Paula Casillas. I came out changed by the powerful love of God.” Her grandmother's life changed forever with just one scripture! Anabel believes that our Father pours out grace and mercy to all who earnestly seek Him. God's favor exceeded all that Anabel had ever experienced up until that time. She also recalls that her battered mom Rosario, a woman who did not trust man or the unseen Father God, did not ever accept God’s extravagant love. After 3 short years in Tijuana, Anabel's mother Rosario left her children with Grandma Paula and then Rosario returned to the poverty of Huntilan to reconnect with Reyes, the
father of her four kids.  After a time, Anabel’s grandma returned to Octolan and sent the kids back to Huntilan to be with their mother. “At 10 years old, I felt like we left God back in Tijuana.”  Life, once again became a daily struggle to survive. At the age of 12 Anabel’s mother died during childbirth and she was sent to live with her grandma in Octolan.   Her grandma’s faith remained strong even as she was persecuted by her very large Catholic family.  Grandma could not read so she asked Anabel to read the Bible to her. “The one scripture that my grandma knew to recite over and over was; ‘Be faithful to the end and I will give you the crown of life.” Anabel had taught herself to read while living on the streets, so it was a blessing to read the Bible to her grandma. At the age of 12 Anabel entered school for the first time. She was a quick learner and by the age of 15 she finished Junior High School. One of Anabel’s favorite verses today is; “However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love Him—“ 1 Corinthians 2:9 – After attending the Catholic Church with her aunts and cousins on
Sundays, Anabel went with grandma to the Evangelical Church in the evenings. At the age of 17, Anabel made a decision to be baptized and she never returned to the Catholic Church. She endured one year of severe persecution by her Catholic family in Ocotlan, so at the age of 18 she moved to Guadalajara. There she joined a Christian church and became active in many ministries to include the choir. At the age of 21 Anable met her future husband Raul. After four months of dating they were married. Raul and Anabel moved to his home state of Indiana. It was a culture shock for Anabel to live in a climate of freezing snow. They lived in Fort Wayne for 9 years and that is where they brought three children into the world. According to His plan,  Raul and Anabel were called by God to move back to Mexico with their three kids Emmanuel, Samuel and Eden.  Anabel’s father-in-law Salvador and his wife Tulitas built the first Evangelical Church in Chapala. “Iglesias del Espiritu Santo” It is the same church where Raul and Anabel serve the community today.  Anabel has a heart to serve single working moms and kids who have been abused and abandoned. She began serving hungry kids out of her kitchen. With the help of her father-in-law, in 2002 land was purchased in the poverty stricken town of Tepehua. While the Tepehua Community Center was in full operation, in 2008 God provided the funds to purchase land in Chapala. Love in Action is a local Chapala Shelter for Kids that operates solely on donations.  Since 2008 many kids have given their hearts to Jesus as they learned to trust in their heavenly Father, the only dad some kids had ever known. During a trip to Israel in 2018, Anabel and 21 others from Chapala, Mexico.  Anabel helped baptize 10 people in the Jordan River. She was also invited to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem by  Randy Shepherd, a pro basketball player founded Crossfire Ministries. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple and understood by the love we share with others. Our Father is always at work and waiting to pick up our calls to Him. Witnessing Randy’s passion to reach the lost set Anabel’s heart on fire to do what she can ...while she can! Her desire to organize a local outreach called “Faith in Action”. Love in Action struggles monthly to pay the electricity bill and to feed the mouths of all the 23 children. The truth is that our Lord has equipped every Christian with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. As we step out in faith, He will surely minister to the brokenhearted, to the lost. "Imagine the same outpouring of the Holy Spirit igniting a passionate faith in just twenty of His retired Christians at lakeside!" . Support for Love in Action are welcome. EMAIL:  Mx CELL 331-351-7826   In 2023 Love in Action provided love and shelter for 20 abandoned girls.  If you are led to donate funds, or weekly time click here: Love in Action

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Karyn Pricer

Meet Mrs. Karyn Pricer! She is a flaming hope, a Woman of Value that teaches by her incredible example! An amazing secret revealed, Karyn was actually born on March 23, 1972 in San Diego, CA! "The truth is that my grandpa requested that his first born grandkid would have her tiny feet  immersed in Texas soil. Obediently, my Naval dad followed those instructions and I now usually just say 'I'm from Texas.' Because of my dad's medical training in the Navy, when he retired, he moved the family to Nederland, Texas where he worked in the cardiac unit of a local hospital." The family attended a non-denominational church just 20 minutes away in Beaumont. "When I was six years old I was compelled to go forward and accept Jesus as my Savior. My family was always at church and I have always felt that God was my friend. I got baptized at the age of 15, but my relationship with my Lord began at age 6." The Pastor of their church was accredited by the Assembly of God and from the age of 12-18 Karyn was involved in the "Fine Arts" ministry of her church. Karyn dramatically performed and sang at the District, Regional and National levels of "Fine Arts". The big difference between  "America's Got Talent."  and "Fine Arts" is that all glory is given to God by the various gifted-by-God-students performing.  When I asked about how she met her husband Andy, Karyn absolutely beamed! "In 1989 as I was sitting in church with my cousin, I turned back to look and my cousin said 'that is Andy Pricer'. I was only 17 when I first saw Andy and heard his name. It was like I felt God's glory come on me. I kept looking at my arms and legs to see what was on me. God's voice was unmistakable! 'this is the man you will marry, but not yet.'.  I started telling my family and friends that I was going to
marry Andy. Without ever talking to him, I began praying for him every night. I even autographed my school books as 'Karyn Pricer'. We attended the same church but we were always involved in different ministries. A year passed, and without contact or conversation I was convicted in my spirit that Andy would be my husband. Praying and quietly stalking him, I sat in a congregation of about 1,000 where I could see him. "YWAM came to our church in 1989 and I was blessed to witness Andy's conversion. Only thing is, Andy left with YWAM on a mission trip aboard the 'Mercy Ship'. From January to May of 1990 Andy sailed to the Dominican Republic and I was at home praying for him. I was 17 and in love with a man that I did not know." One night as she was babysitting for Carolyn, the church College and Career Teacher, she was asked to attend a Church Retreat for the graduates. Karyn did not show any interest until Carolyn said "Oh by the way, Andy Pricer will be there." Karyn went but still she had no contact with Andy. In July Andy worked as a Church Camp Counselor with Karyn's sister and her boyfriend Jason.  Jason says to Andy "Hey I hear you will be my brother-in-law someday." Andy was stunned, he had no clue who Karyn was.  "I was working in retail at the mall and my mom calls me and informs 'Andy Pricer called and he is looking for you!' My eyeballs were like saucers." Earlier in the year Karyn had accepted a casual Prom date with a guy named Jerry on the condition that he understood that this was just a date! They went to the dance and then Jerry left town.  Well on the Friday night that her sister, Jason and Andy showed up at the mall....SHOCK... so did Jerry! Andy had brought her a card and a yellow rose for friendship. Karyn describes "I was freakin! My mom was hosting a party back at the house for the church choir and I rode home with my sis,
Jason and Andy with Jerry following in his car!  When we arrived at home I pulled Jerry aside and told him bluntly 'I will not let you mess this up for me! I prayed Andy into my life and you need to go!" Karyn also shared that as a people pleaser it was very bold of her to ask anybody to go! Well Jerry left and Karyn dated Andy and within four months they were engaged! Karyn was 19 when she married the man she prayed for! The wedding was on August 2, 1991 and their daughter Brittanie was born in 1992. Hunter was born in 1995 and Julia was born in 1996. Her husband Andy became an RN and their family lived in Beaumont.  "My mother-in-law Nelda is much like me. She is outgoing and dramatic and Nelda and her husband Roger were attending a Revival in Brownsville. Nelda kept pressing that Karyn and Andy should go, but it was a 6 hour drive!  When Nelda shared that Roger, a very conservative and reserved Psychologist was laid out in the parking lot laughing in the Spirit, that got Karyn's attention! On August 30, 1996 Andy and Karyn attended the Revival for two nights. The Brownsville Ministry Bible School was packed with over 2,500 people! On the 2nd night Andy ran to the alter and he has not been the same since!  That Revival verified the call we felt toward the mission field.  They moved to Pensacola, Florida and Andy attended the Bible School on Tuesday - Friday from 1997-1999. "Andy would come home all on fire! He was feeling called to Mexico and I was not interested at all.  I had studied German and it just did not fit my plan. Then I heard God ask 'Will you go to Mexico?' I felt so much love in that question I began to weep, then His promises flooded in and I responded 'Yes Lord!"  Andy graduated from the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in May 1999. In August 1999 the Pricer's were the first missionaries that Brownsville ever sent out.  By the year 2000 Andy was preaching in Spanish and they worked with the indigenous people in Purepecha, Mixtecos, and Huicholes.  Andy and Karyn opened a Bible School and held church services. "All our children were raised in ministry and it was my purposed prayer that our kids would never feel like they were second. They each left home in Mexico after the age of 18 to fulfill God's plan for them" Their first born Brittanie graduated from the Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry and is currently enrolled at Harvard. Hunter attended a Community College in Dallas and he is currently enrolled in a Police Academy. Julia graduated from Harvest School of Missions with Heidi Baker in Mozambique, and since spent 2 months in China. Julia is currently living in Dallas, Tx. When I asked about what they have witnessed God do through their
ministry in Mexico Karyn said "There is so much! One story is about Leo. We first met when he came to translate at "Reino de Padre" church in Guadalajara.  I had been praying about who God would have to add to our teaching staff.  I did not know anything about Leo and then I heard God say 'Ask him'. Shocked, I asked around about Leo and then obediently approached Leo "I do not know you, but would you be willing to be a part of our school as a mentor or leader?" Leo burst out crying and told me that while worshiping he had asked the Lord if there is any way he could serve in  Mexico, he would abandon the call to serve in Canada!"  Since that time Leo has adopted Karyn and Andy as his spiritual parents. Karyn glowed when she told me "Leo was praying for a 6 year old girl that had 2 rods in her back. With scoliosis of the spine, she endured several operations to correct her spine. Her legs were uneven when Leo prayed over her. Her leg grew out, her back straightened out and she could run and jump for the first time in her life!" At their school, Andy and Karyn train Christians that wherever they are they can be in ministry.  They equip all of God's ordinary people to use the power God has anointed them with to do His will, wherever they are. It is God's will that we all minister to one another.  "You don't have to go on a mission trip to find lost or hurting people in this world."  Just like Jesus did, Karyn and Andy teach by example.  "We tell them about Jesus, we take them in the street and show them the power of Jesus, then we ask them to pray, to speak words of knowledge over people, their confidence is built up, and they do it too!  We duplicate ourselves and the Word of God spreads!"  In 2018 Karyn and Andy flew to the Philippines to pray with a group of missionaries there. To support what God is doing in Mexico click this link  Fire International Missionaries Karyn and Andy Pricer,  Karyn is a gifted musician, wife, mother and whimsical witness for Christ. I am honored and thrilled to interview Karyn and eventually join her in a street ministry in Guadalajara. This couple travels to bring revival and raise up disciples of Jesus Christ. The Pricers have touched hundreds by the love that Jesus pours through them. Their mission's covering name was changed to "Fire International" and in August 2019 the Pricer's will have been in Mexico for 20 years ministering in various ways.A picture tells a thousand words! These are the words from a youth that participated in a recent outreach.  Click image to enlarge.
"Taking risks is not always easy; specially when you’re trying to approach a society that has been rejected and judged by the church for so long! People thanking us for “doing this” but honestly I thought was necessary to thank them for not rejecting us and our message; as I said, taking risks is not always easy.A man i prayed for, told me: -“this is what we need to restore our country; if we can be restored as individuals, we can restore our nation”.. I was overwhelmed by his clarity. The kingdom is here, to heal and hug and embrace those who feels no one cares about them. Legs growing, back pain gone, prayers for peace and rest, “Tattoo interpretations”, this was not the first time, but definitely was the most amazing one!!! Keep up with all the unique FUN ways the Pricers use to spread the Fire. Check out the Pricer current FIRE NEWSLETTER  May the JOY of the LORD get all over YOU!