Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Mindy Nichols

Mindy grew up in Texas. She is a preacher's kid who continues to enjoy every minute of being immersed in ministry. "My dad never made me go to church, it has always been my choice and my blessing to go!" She is a native Texan, born in Wichita Falls and she spent her high school days in Waco.  Her dad was a Professor in Theology and in the Air Force. His family was his ministry and as a military God squad they lived in Arizona, Kentucky and a few seasons in California.  Mindy attended Bethany Nazarene College near Oklahoma City for two years and then she studied at LSU to become a nurse. While in college Mindy went on a few short term mission trips. The one she recalled as the most profound was the three months she spent in the Dominican Republic, near the border of Haiti. Spells of witchcraft are cast and devil worship is common and widespread throughout the territory. "Kids would come to the bible school and report what babies were sacrificed the night before." We spent a lot of time in prayer to demolish evil strongholds. God warns us to fight the good fight on our knees. The same kind of unseen, but effective Spiritual warfare is needed DAILY, no matter where we live. Fast forward through a short union in marriage #1 to her blissful marriage #2.  Thirty two years ago Mindy met Bill when she worked as a nurse supervisor. Bill was the hospital chaplain and they both responded to CODE BLUE alarms. Mindy would pronounce them dead and Bill would pray and contact the families. They became friends and one day a person in the Coronary Care Unit said "Hey why don't you guys have a heart to heart date?" A year later they tied the knot and today Bill and Mindy celebrate 31 years together and they have chosen lakeside as their permanent paradise. Mindy's first marriage produced two wonderful kids. Mindy's daughter Brooke, her wild child is now 37 years old and her son Calvin, the miracle child is now 34.  Mindy says her daughter was a woman determined to take the world by the horns.  Brooke,  the intellect, can speak six languages and for many years worked on private yachts. After a time in jail and few other hard knocks, Brooke returned to Jesus and now works in Texas managing musical events. Her son Calvin moved to Chapala after the 2017 hurricane wiped out his home and Mgr. position in a large hotel on the island of St Thomas.
Haiti - prevalent demonic forces
Almost as an after thought, Mindy shared "Oh yeah, when Calvin was born I had a near death experience." Calvin is my miracle baby because an incident occured during childbirth that normally results in death for the delivering mother and the baby. I hovered above my body and saw all the details of the doctors life saving maneuvers to bring me back to life.  I then sped up to a higher bright light where I had no pain, no fear and total peace. "God has given me a few opportunities to "go home". During this incredible NDE a clear voice gave me the choice to go back down and raise my two kids or stay in heaven.  I do not remember hesitating I guess because I was only 29 and wanted to live more."  Mindy laughed and said "Either way it will always be a WIN, WIN for me."  Mindy reports that since her personal NDE she has an acute awareness of God and His Presence, you might say a higher perception, and most certainly a heavenly 'bigger picture' view of the world. In 1995 Mindy took a 72 hour church leadership class entitled "Walk to Emmaus".  At the age of 40, this twice married woman of value, and the mother of 4 children (2 from Bill) claims that this class was a major game changer for her.  In her words "Before the class, after completing a 24 hour shift as a helicopter nurse,  I would walk through the door of my home, pass my husband without a word and go check to see if any dishes needed to be washed. That 72 hour class taught me to acknowledge and engage the people in my life, and maybe passover the unfinished work for some quality time. People are more important than events or things." Those disciples who did not recognize Jesus, were they just too busy about their work, their studies, or too deep in grief to recognize their Friend?  From 2011-2013 we pastored a small church in Wimberley, Texas. Much like here at Lakeside, the average age was 73 and the people were pretty set in their beliefs about what is important. Social events would supercede a bible study every time.  From 1990-2006 we pastored a very different small church in Dripping Spring, Tx where the people were hungry for God's word. In 2006 we moved to Mazatlan to retire and we attended "The Blue Church". A Mexican congregational church.
The Mexican pastor asked Bill to preach for a month, well that month turned into six years!  We grew from 6 in attendance to over 400 combined between the English and Spanish congregants. Mindy led the worship while playing guitar and singing. "The best I can do on the ivory is clink clink clink" It was absolutely a blast. We held a "Brigada" outreach in which we set up a medical and dental clinic for the community. During the heat of the summer, church attendance went to zero so we travelled to Lakeside.  Initially we lived in Puerto Corona which is directly across from Chapala on the other side of the lake. In May of 2017 we chose to move to Chula Vista permanently.  A couple of more opportunities to join Jesus occured within four months of our arrival at Lakeside.  In May of 2017 after church and lunch we went home for a siesta and my arm went numb, my speech was garbled and I knew I was experiencing stroke symptoms. The small voice in my head said "go to the hospital or die". We went to Marascas Clinic and after a CT scan, the report indicated an emergency surgery was necessary as I had a 99% blockage of my carotid artery.  On the table I understood what the Mexican neurosurgeon was saying "Get her husband on the phone, I don't think she will make it".  They handed me the phone and I said "Hi, I'm in surgery and I'm ok."  My leg was blue, it was dead from no circulation. After surgery I was in ICU for 2 days and after the miracle of getting pulse back in my leg, I was released to go home. Six months later in March of 2018 the stint that was placed in my neck malfunctioned and I stroked out.  I could not speak or swallow. My thoughts during those next 12 hours of silence were filled with scripture.  The surgeon replaced my stint and when I woke up at 4 am, I was so blessed that I could talk!   I thought of Saul being struck blind for three days and I am so glad I was only struck dumb for 12 hours.  No doubt about it, Jesus lives and He still heals folks today!  I am indeed a walking and talking miracle!  God has me here at Lakeside for His purpose and I guess He wants me to be able to ask questions and speak! My favorite life scripture is "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:7-8. Mindy's birthday on earth is Sept 4th and she has blessed many with a life well lived!  Mrs Miracle Mindy and her retired pastor hubby Bill moved back to Texas in June of 2019. They left a loving mark on us all at Lakeside.

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