Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Sacha Phariss

Sacha is an amazing young Woman of Value who was born on September 10, 1990 in Santa Cruz, California. Since childhood she confessed that she has always wanted to be a missionary. Sacha beamed “Our family never went on vacations, my dad would seize every opportunity to tell people about Jesus, so even when the family went to Hawaii, it was a mission trip.” When she was 4 years old her memories of Haiti was the extreme poverty. She was deeply disturbed as she watched people eating newspapers and while taking a shower, the cinder block walls would swarm with cockroaches.” Sacha’s desire to be a missionary was because of what God allowed her to see all before the age 12. She had been to Chili, Barbados, Mexico, Canada, Hawaii, Haiti and Puerto Rico. Her perspective and goals in life were radically different from all of her home schooled peers. Sacha recalls returning home to a fridge full of food and a comfortable bed which was a stark contrast to the reality she experienced in the mission field. Her father and mother, Kenneth and Susanna met at Bible School in Santa Cruz. When Sacha was nearly 13, the family moved to Monterey, Mexico. Her only sibling Eric was away in school and while her mom and dad attended to legal matters in the city, Sacha spent hours at home alone, doing her homework, communing with God and sketching horses in pencil. Looking back Sacha appreciates that this time alone deepened her reliance on God. She had no friends and zero outdoor activities to
distract her. While interviewing Sacha she twinkled “I was never really a rebellious child, except for the fact that I never wanted to learn Spanish or move to Mexico. I did however want a horse, and by moving to Mexico it was more financially feasible.” To her great delight, her dad brought home an abused pregnant mare that Sacha named Twilight. After one year living in Monterey, the family moved to Ajijic which was near her mother’s relatives in Guadalajara. The family lived in a house without furniture. “We used boxes for tables, and our mattresses were on the floor." Over the next couple of years Sacha's family traveled to host seminars and evangelize all over Mexico. Sacha found herself fumbling to translate conversations in Spanish for those participating in the mission trip. Through her obedience to serve as she could, she admits that she was way out of her comfort zone. “God has blessed me in so many ways. Trust me when I say that I have not lived as a suffering missionary kid. God has blessed our family with a beautiful office/home in San Juan Cosala." When I inquired about her choice to become a professional Equine Artist, Sacha replied “Thinking that I needed to serve in some way, from the age of 22-25 I volunteered at a local thrift shop at Lakeside. During this time, my desire to paint horses professionally became an internalized spiritual struggle. How could my painting possibly glorify God?" Sacha continued to paint as she sought God for direction. Sacha concluded that it is the Holy Spirit that distributes all gifts, according to His will. The characteristic of a servant is in their ability to see a practical need with a great desire to meet that need with much joy. Sacha had studied the gifts of the Spirit and determined that there was little joy for her in serving as a volunteer. It became clear that she remain pure and true to how God wired her. It was confirmed in her spirit that only God can fulfill her and that His joy was made complete through her painting. At the age of 27 Sacha chose to gladly express her God given talent by praying over each painting. Her prayer is that God would draw others to Himself as He speaks to each recipient through the painting. Sacha currently has over 18,000 followers on Instagram. She tells of how people worry and complain in comments about people who
steal their ideas and use their artwork to sell coffee mugs etc. “There is no such thing as an original idea, all good gifts come from God above. With the blessing I pray over every painting, if that image gets duplicated, glory to God, the blessing is then multiplied to touch more people!" Consider the Apostle Paul and how he prayed over handkerchiefs that people spread around and many were healed! Sacha’s favorite scripture: “God testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse, a man after My own heart; he will do everything I want him to do." Acts 13:22 Sacha shared that the highest compliment she has ever received from someone is; “you really have a heart after God”. This confirmed and validated her choice to paint horses for God’s glory! With unique style and various mediums, this equine artist places these muscular beauties in settings  she has personally visited. She produced a miniature series which combines the most stunning feature of the animal in real landscapes she has been.  Sacha sold home baked goods at the Monday Market in Ajijic to fund her trip to England. "I know God multiplied the funds because I just did not bake that much stuff." Sacha also traveled to Ireland, France, and Austria.  In order to produce her best work, Sacha humbly shared that she has endured one difficulty after another, but with the help and work of her family and friends, she was able to push through. Sacha believes that art trains people to focus on the details. She admits that she has grown to genuinely appreciate the sacrifices that her family has made in order to help make her dream a reality.
All art forms instruct the heart of the artist with patience, perseverance and respect for the Creator of all things beautiful. Her art studio is overflowing with masterpieces that broadcast her incredible talent. "Out of the Blue" has been completed and the original was recently sold and will be shipped to Kentucky. Prints of all her originals are available to purchase locally, or online. Her passion is felt in each art piece that hangs in homes around the globe. Early on, her dad's enthusiasm about serving God developed her passion to share God's love using art. "It is amazing to me that people who never noticed me before come to respect my words simply because the art I produce is highly recognized as good. It is my task to remain humble as I use this platform as an opportunity to witness how God blesses all who choose to serve Him.” She prays that God gives all those that look upon her art eyes to see, and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. “I have found that the best way to share God with others is to share my personal testimony of how He changed my heart.” In 2019 Sacha attended her first art show in Scottsdale, Arizona. She had prepared for six months with prayer, hard work and was convinced that God would bless what He encouraged her to do. “It was a total shipwreck, I lost money and for the first time in my life I was in debt. There were no visible blessings and I came home so discouraged. While unpacking I also discovered that my original of 'Hidden Wonders' was severely damaged. My feelings overruled the Spirit in me as I questioned how God could let this happen. During the following six months God changed my heart forever. His Presence washed over me as I heard my Father say ‘Trust Me’."   On the morning she decided to tackle repairing the damaged painting 'Hidden Wonders',
all scratches had miraculously disappeared.  God does work in mysterious ways! “acknowledge the God of your father, and serve Him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever." 1 Chron 28:9 Before this astonishing miracle, Sacha's faith had increased and her renewed zeal encouraged her to now pray more specifically as she paints. All things are possible for those who place their trust in God! “I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together. I sought the LORD, and he answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him. Fear the LORD, you His holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing. ” Psalm 34:1-9 - Sacha is a member of the Society of Arts, Ajijic, Mexico. She has given classes on acrylic pouring and is currently creating an instructional video series on her YouTube channel. One of her goals is to live up to the meaning of her name 'helper of mankind'. Sacha hosted her first Equine Art and Tea Party on December 14, 2019. It was attended by both art and horse aficionados. Local people marveled at her passion filled talent and she personally baked all the delightful pastries.  Her mother and father both were engaged in this wildly successful event!  Sacha's art has been sold at various charity events to benefit horse rescues in the USA. Click to view what is currently available Pharris Horse Art

1 comment:

  1. DIRECTIONS TO PHARISS ART STUDIO AND TEA PARTY on Dec 14, 2019 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Drive thru Joco and San Juan Cosala, just past El Limon, turn your right blinker on, make first right where sign is posted, drive down the frontage road off Careterra. Turn right into the first casa gate, pull up and park above.
